Nikkei Horizons in Action

Sweets Cooking with Setsuko – Chakin Shibori

Setsuko Agata makes dessert making fun and easy, not to mention beautiful! Here, Joyce Nakamura and Youngho Kim form Chakin Shibori, made of satsumaimo (sweet potato) and flavored with matcha (powdered green tea). These lovely yet simple wagashi (sweets) get their distinctive shape from a clever twist in plastic wrap!

Louise Kashino Takisaki gives her chakin shibori  a good twist.

Traditionally, chakin shibori is twisted in a tea cloth, but the plastic wrap lets you see what you’re doing and makes cleanup much faster!

Thanks to MyGreenTea for providing flavorful green tea to accompany the goodies and also to Uwajimaya, Inc. for sponsoring this workshop!

This entry was published on February 4, 2012 at 7:03 pm and is filed under Cooking. Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.